By Dubs
I can’t remember ever hating sports news (ESPN) as much as I do right now. There are very few things I loathe more than Brett Favre and the New York Yankees (aka Derek Jeter, you overrated ass-fingering, baby-eating, period-licking, dickfor. On the other hand, he does ball
hot chicks).
This may be Satan’s way of letting us know the world is coming to an end.
With the continued saga of Favre’s un-retirement and the AS game being played at “historic” Yankee Stadium, I am bombarded with a literal shitstorm of contrived sentimentalism. I might just be hung-over, but I can hear my soul throwing up and its asshole begging for a break from the constant shit-love for these two sports “icons”.
We all know that Favre is the secret love-child of hokey, misinformed, traditionalist, white sports writers and John Madden, but the level of coverage and adoration shown to Douchey McDouchebag is as painful to watch and listen to as this:
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